Mesh Head - .: fiore :. Mesh Head - Precious
Skin - BT:Albina"FIORE"Applier(EU)

 Outfit - {VINCUE} & Kibitz - Mary+outfit - RARE 1 @ The Epiphany (October 15th, SOON!)

Staff - {VINCUE} & Kibitz - Mary+staff - black/gold @ The Epiphany (October 15th, SOON!)
Gloves - {VINCUE} & Kibitz - Mary+gloves @ The Epiphany (October 15th, SOON!)
Necklace - LaGyo_Autumn necklace - Gold @ COLLABOR88

{BunBun & Dream} HalloweenParty - Cauldron Punch RARE @ The Epiphany (October 15th, SOON!)
{BunBun & Dream} HalloweenParty - Candy Apples Caramel @ The Epiphany (October 15th, SOON!)
{BunBun & Dream} HalloweenParty - Lollipops Traditional @ The Epiphany (October 15th, SOON!)
{BunBun & Dream} HalloweenParty - Red Devil Cupcakes @ The Epiphany (October 15th, SOON!)
{BunBun & Dream} HalloweenParty - Banner Exclusive @ The Epiphany (October 15th, SOON!)
{BunBun & Dream} HalloweenParty - Lollipops Classy @ The Epiphany (October 15th, SOON!)
{BunBun & Dream} HalloweenParty - Spooky Cake @ The Epiphany (October 15th, SOON!)
Second Spaces - Echoes of Autumn - candles @ COLLABOR88
Second Spaces - Echoes of Autumn - vases @ COLLABOR88
Sari-Sari - Billy Bumpkin Salem
Sari-Sari - Bob Bumpkin Salem

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